Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Ok by saying that I wish to accept I mean that I intend to realize that my goals are or are not being accomplished fully and completely and then choose to do one of three things: Delegate, Set aside, or choose to sacrifice.

Delegate: To pass on a task to someone else

I often think I can accomplish more than I actually can and there for do not often choose to delegate. Also I hate not doing it myself.

Set Aside: to temporarily or permanently leave a task or goal unfinished

This is the one I am the worst at I choose my goals and desires very carefully and though I ask a lot of myself I know that each and every one of my goals are wonderful and meaningful to me.

Choose to Sacrifice: to trade in one ideal or perk in order to achieve the intended outcome

This is by far my favorite but it comes with a hefty price for example right now I am starting to drag and my day is only about half over because I decided to stay up late and clean my house last night. But I am so happy to be in a sane environment I don't really care how tired I am.

Once I begin to accept my actual state of being I find it much easier to move to deciding which tool is best suited to me and my goal(s).

Do you have any tools for achieving that you would like to share?

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