Friday, November 7, 2008

The Value of Disorder

I just decided that I need to write on this because, damn it, I seem to have a lot of disorder in my life and my deep faith tells me that there is a reason for everything. Yes, everything. The socks on the floor that had a match for a total to two seconds after they made it through the front door, the piles of jackets, toys, backpacks, the book case over stuffed with stuff come on you know what I mean, right? Maybe not, I know that there are people with neat houses who do not clean all day long. Seriously. How they do it I think is a state of mind.

I think maybe disorder tells us something about our lives. It gives us an external clue of when we are on the mark and when we are not.

It is not only whether there is a mess but also how we feel about the mess. There are messes that we look at and know there is order just underneath not very far below the surface of what we see. Then there are messes that do not bother us at all because we look and instead of a true mess we see our choices made and accepted. We went to visit the grandmother an hour away instead of doing dishes or took our child to ballet after work. These messes are temporary, we can feel it in our bones; it is when we despair and the mess seems permanant that we should look at the clutter and disorganization as a clue to an inner state that needs our compassionate attention.

What does your environment tell you? How do you listen?

"Perserverence is stubbornness put to good work"

Okay, I think I have come up with my very first ever quotable quote! (if I am mistaken and someone has already said this please break it to me gently:) How thrilling! I am in love with these words! Perseverance is stubbornness put to good work.

I think it so important to be stubborn. Just think about it for a moment. I am not talking about a blind flailing stubbornness. I am talking about lets get off our butts (mental verbal or otherwise) and just really commit; let nothing stand in our way. I am talking about some serious task commitment.

I have recently uncovered my stubbornness and I have fallen deeply and willingly in love! Have you ever been advised to argue with your self? It is a marvelous practice. I have found that it brings forth many opportunities to strengthen your inner will and uncover soft spots in your thought structures. I think many do it with out realizing it but it is a wonderful process to bring to your consciousness and fully revel in it!

Doing is what I must do in order to achieve; too often I hide and retreat. Then I must rediscover what I uncovered with less consciousness and tenaciousness in the past. I have uncovered once again that the joy of life is in it's work, it's challenge. Not in it's grumbling, nor in its sloth. Being and doing are the twin heart beats of a life well lived!

In honor of my first quote I have added some fun quotes at the bottom of my blog. They will change daily so be sure to visit frequently to get your bite sized doses of wisdom and thought.

Thank You for Reading,