Saturday, March 29, 2014

Day 1 Excercise: Writing about your writing space experience

I am on my bed. The pillows and bed sheet and blankets crumpled awkwardly beneath me. My back

protests as I raise my head to type on the uneven surface. My arms shaky from yoga want to

rest, unmoving and still; but I am typing this. . . each key giving way to my gentle tapping of

fingers sounds nearly like the slow patter of a spring rainfall. The kind which is slow but

sure -drenching every exposed bit of earth to it's saturation point.

Wonderingly there are other noises overlaying the determined patter. There is the chatter of

children, the buzz of the blender, the insistent consistency of a script played out on the

computer monitor's screen. The sounds create a cacophony of unperturbed noises, non-competing

with the others -cohabiting. One child has started to sing about all the lonely people. The

Beatles' songs we heard this morning inspiring his sweet untrained voice to repeat the chorus.

Dreamily some voices rise and fall smattered with giggles and protests. I can smell the fading

scent of peanut-butter cookies, of dog, of dirt held beneath the edges of things -which waits

patiently for the clean rag to come, knowing the priorities of this family lie elsewhere.. .

Mixed in with selfish relaxation of a weekend with only small plans and small goals the

priority is on togetherness. On facing these small challenges with grace and abundance. Though

money is not in evidence when I look at the furnishings. They are reclaimed pieces which do not

so much go together as they have become fast friends with their neighbors or, at the very

least, have partnered with the abutting piece with grudging acceptance. Who could ask more of

the antique treadle sewing machine and the press-board shelves holding cast off games some still

labeled with thrift store stickers?

My place here is as varied as anyone else's. I am a mother with a stiff back which seems as

though it might be an inherited condition on my mothers side. One which may at some point

require surgery. Painful though this might be I have inherited more good than difficulty from

my mother and I am grateful every day I am her daughter.

I have a past of joy at least at first glance but as many of us know personally there is much

pain and darkness just below the first surface we share with the world. We can only but be

honest if we're asked. But lets be honest here too, nearly no one asks. This is acceptable and

problamatic. We can bear it but we also bear these painful pieces of past if we can share with

another soul the reality within which arises from these darker streaks of patina. We all know

this. And so we search the sea of humanity for a listening ear. Even if we have one at home we

often consider the idea that there may be another out there somewhere. . .but I digress.

I would like to introduce the others of the home. There is a dog who is obsessed with the rabbits

who reside here as well some in the yard some indoors. There are even some infant bunnies. I

can only imagine the temptation the dog deals with. She is a proven killer of rabbits. Deadly

dog that she is she loves her humans and gets along with nearly all the cats. Even the yard poultry have a

tolerable no harm agreement. Her relationship with the kittens of the home are most amusing.

 When they first arrived they reminded her too

much of rabbits with their soft fur and cuteness but rabbits do not turn and face larger beasts

with fierceness. These not-rabbit-kittens swiftly re-directed the dog and now one is her best

pal. The other cats merely disregard the dog as much as they are able with cat patented

nobility and haughtyness. Good dog. Even better cats. It is like the UN in this home and the

children reap the benefits though they know it not. The parents know as they watch their

responses to experience. They youngest son, whose ability as a spy and cat burglar was well

established in our community at the young age of 3, makes collages espousing his priorities of

nature and family. His older sibs share interests in cooking, writing, dancing, horseback

riding. . . They are children who are siblings and there are 5 total. Two parents

(the one who types and the one who blends) and also outside are 4 ducks 4 rabbits, a chicken and a

rooster. The 1/3 acre is quite full.

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