Friday, August 8, 2008


OK Well my wondrous plan for 20-20-20 is working kind of. I did stick with it for a day and found it to be freeing, but I realized I have a tendency to gravitate toward working on a particularly pressing project rather than switching gears as I meant to.

I think this is just a flow I am going through. Yeah, I admit that is just my way of making nice with my irritation with my self. Writing it is just a flow. Everything is a flow, this one reminds me of the rapids you can hear coming up when you are white water rafting but you can't prepare because there is no visual. Maybe I am too close? Probably.

I have been trying to resolve this issue I will kindly label it "scattered motivation". I have desires and simple steps to achieve them. Seriously, doable-steps folks. Yet I have slogged through many a day to accomplish a pittance of my intentions... am I lazy? Those closest to me say not. What then? Ennui? Boredom? Disconnection?

So far my method of dealing has been by direct head on, grrrr, face the facts methods. It has been a most vexing path (for this slippery issue) so I will try another method. I will time manage. I will keep my precious to-do lists, but add in two more components: Bruce Mau's Incomplete Manifesto for Growth and Lists of Accomplishments at the end of each day.

Has anyone dealt with this issue? Or maybe you have your own take on Bruce Mau... Post your thoughts and comments... I will reply to all posts:)


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